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DB backup Restore PostgresSql

pg_dump dbname > dbname.bak
psql test < dbname.bak


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Set the time zone on an Amazon EC2 instance

We can set the timezone on an Amazon EC2 instance to CST by using following steps: Login to your EC2 instance. Execute the command: “sudo su” to become a root user. Execute the command: “timedatectl” to know the current timezone details. Execute the command: “rm /etc/localtime” ( Press Enter). For confirmation type “Y” and Press Enter. Execute the command: “cd /usr/share/zoneinfo” (Press Enter). Execute the command: “ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Kolkata /etc/localtime” (Press Enter). Now check the timezone by using “timedatectl” command. That’s it. Timezone changed to CST successfully.(No need to reboot) Reference:

Kubernetes cluster installation using kubeadm

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